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just to let you know, scooters wife Rosealie past away last week. her cancer came back with a vengance.
black dog
black dog
Thank you, I liked her The Mostest!!

I still get chills that she is going to take me while loading up firewood in Scooters driveway....

Scooter and her are back to sitting at Pennys having a beer or three. Well thats until Floyd shows up... WWF at Pennys Bar
Wow, she remarried. She could make me laugh.
God Speed, Rosalie Katurah Oliver Thompson.
hello looking to see if anyone knows anything about windows being broke out at indian bridge apt
Hey I saw you made a post years ago about a hunting club. Is there anything in St. Mary's county that is looking for new members that you are aware of? I grew up in Kent Co. but just retired out of the Navy and staying here in St. Mary's.
Our little club up in 7th District is pretty full...barely accommodate current member requests for hunting days. Most of the guys I know that hunt deer are on public (St. Mary's Lake park, for example) or private property, and the big waterfowl hunting farms and clubs are pretty much all on the eastern shore as far as I know.
OK, I was looking to see if there were any waterfowl clubs down here in St. Mary's. I'm in Leonardtown, so if you ever have any openings let me know!