Cushing's Disease


New Member
I had my 10 year old Mastiff tested for Cushing's Disease yesterday. He has all the signs and the vet seemed very concerned. Has anyone here ever had this with their dog?


New Member

I had my 10 year old Mastiff tested for Cushing's Disease yesterday. He has all the signs and the vet seemed very concerned. Has anyone here ever had this with their dog?

Our cocker was diagnosed with Cushings at about the age of 9. He was prescribed a medication (can't recall the name) by the vet which cost up at that time about $100/month and he lived a great life to 15 1/2 but as he was a smaller breed he would live a bit longer than a larger breed. His biggest problem was weight gain around the belly but we kept him very active. He had difficulty as he aged with his legs becoming stiffer walking but he was walking till the end. We chose the time for him to depart only because we did not want him to suffer too much at the end. Medicine and money was totally worth it for us to have him for as long as we did. Best of luck with your mastiff they give us so much and ask so little in return except for your love.


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yes i did I had a ####uz and the signs where a pot belly apperance and she would wolf her food down she was bout 6 or 7 when she got sick because we thought she was just geting fat cuz of the way she would eat and her belly but i did find out one thing is that if u need surgery for ur dog they will not recover as fast my dog had kidney stones and when she had the surgery she didnt recover well and passed away


New Member
Our cocker was diagnosed with Cushings at about the age of 9. He was prescribed a medication (can't recall the name) by the vet which cost up at that time about $100/month and he lived a great life to 15 1/2 but as he was a smaller breed he would live a bit longer than a larger breed. His biggest problem was weight gain around the belly but we kept him very active. He had difficulty as he aged with his legs becoming stiffer walking but he was walking till the end. We chose the time for him to depart only because we did not want him to suffer too much at the end. Medicine and money was totally worth it for us to have him for as long as we did. Best of luck with your mastiff they give us so much and ask so little in return except for your love.

Zeus already has issues with his legs, arthritis and weakness due to age. Most of the time he needs help getting up, wich is not easy with him weighing 173lbs, lol. I think we have a lot going against us already with his age and other things. Hopefully should get the test results back today or tommorrow. I just don't want him to suffer. His hair is now falling out in clumps, he looks terrible. And he drinks a ton of water and is now waking us up at night to either pee or get more water. Eats like he is starving but is not gaining weight and is losing muscle mass. I am almost hoping the test comes back positive just so we know WHAT the problem is so we know how to make him feel better.


Raisin cane
Did a search for Cushings Disease and found this thread.

My 9 year old female Boston Terrier has MANY of the symptoms (and is a breed that is more prone to the disease). She has increased thirst, increased urination, increased appetite, she's developed a dark area in her fur/skin under her chin, and has developed a lesion on her back that has grown in size since I took her to the Vet on Thursday. (Have been administering an antibiotic they prescribed).

They did bloodwork on Thursday when they looked at the lesion and called this morning to let me know they found increased liver enzymes. I will take her tomorrow for them to do an 8 hour blood test to narrow down the Cushings diagnosis.

Are there any others that have experiences in treating their dog for this disease (since this thread is almost 12 years old)?
I'm hopeful that she is treatable with medication and improves quickly.


Raisin cane
I got the bloodwork results from the test yesterday and they point to Cushings Disease (pituitary gland related). I've already picked up meds this morning and got my girl started on it. I was pleasantly surprised that a 30 day dose was only $14.00.
I'll take her back in about 2 weeks for follow up testing to check to see if her dose needs to be adjusted (or even if it's working). I hope to see results that I can notice in a few days - like less urinating.
My other big concern right now is the lesion on her back. It looks awful. She is such a happy girl and still playful, so it doesn't seem to be bothering her yet. The Vet is hopeful that it will start healing from the antibiotic they already have her on and if this med starts working it will have an affect on the lesion too.


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Raisin cane
Update (for reference if anyone else has an animal diagnosed with this disease):
Took Autumn back to the Vet for further testing today. More bloodwork to check to see the levels of the meds in her blood and if there is any improvement in her condition. Will get results in a day or two.

At home observation shows no slowing down of urination in the house (getting old really fast). Thirst and appetite have not decreased (she’s lapping up water as I type). The initial bald spot and sore that started between her shoulder blades progressed over halfway down her back in a matter of about a week and a half. I was beginning to wonder if my other dog was nibbling on her during the night. It is so nasty looking and is not for viewing by anyone with a weak stomach. At least that is showing a slight sign of improvement. Has not spread in the last 3-4 days and shows signs of ‘drying up’ or scabbing and possibly healing. The Vet is hopeful her fur may grow back, but can’t say for sure.
The test results will let us know if we need to increase the dosage of meds. We think we will have to, but the Vet says too much can also cause really bad effects. So, we’ll keep going down this path to hopefully get it right.

Through everything so far she has kept her happy attitude and spirit.


Raisin cane
Update Jan 25

Results from last testing showed slight improvement in the lab work, but observations at home had not improved. So the Vet upped the dosage from 10mg to 20mg a day (2 doses of 10mg spread out twice a day). She has been on that regimen for the last 5 days. I am noticing that she is not drinking as frequently, which in turn has led to fewer 'accidents' inside. The skin issue on her back had spread further last week, but most of the skin issue has gotten to a point where it looks like it has grown new skin over the raw. I'm not sure if she is done breaking out in new spots though. The meds are supposed to help that, so hopefully it will. I am also hopeful the hair may grow back, but as thick as the skin is where it has 'healed', I'm not so sure.


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We are going to have our 14 yr old Golden tested. Our local vet was concerned about protein in her urine, and elevated liver enzyme numbers. Plus our Golden has a history of panting, frequent drinking, and frequent urination. We spent yesterday up at Dog and Cat Vet Referral in Bowie where their internist and radiologist gave her the once over.


Raisin cane
We are going to have our 14 yr old Golden tested. Our local vet was concerned about protein in her urine, and elevated liver enzyme numbers. Plus our Golden has a history of panting, frequent drinking, and frequent urination. We spent yesterday up at Dog and Cat Vet Referral in Bowie where their internist and radiologist gave her the once over.
Hope they can find out what is going on!
Since I have upped the dosage of meds I am seeing improvement in my Boston. Not as much drinking. Less urination (but still some accidents) and the horrible skin issue on her back is showing signs of getting better. Will need to get her back soon for more testing to see if we need to change the dosage any more.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Dog and Cat Vet Referral in Bowie
That's where we took our Hildiekatt when Park Clinic and MASH were not sure what was happening.
Turned out to be an aggressive, advanced intestinal lymphoma like her sister Kestrel had.
Hildie was given the Final Kindness almost exactly 2 years after her sister.


Well-Known Member
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Dogs and Cats :yay:
That's where we took our Hildiekatt when Park Clinic and MASH were not sure what was happening.
Turned out to be an aggressive, advanced intestinal lymphoma like her sister Kestrel had.
Hildie was given the Final Kindness almost exactly 2 years after her sister.
I was very happy with their service. Very professional. We were allowed inside and spoke directly with the tech, but we didn't get a face-to-face with the vet. We spoke over the phone once at DCVR and again after we got back home.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hope they can find out what is going on!
Since I have upped the dosage of meds I am seeing improvement in my Boston. Not as much drinking. Less urination (but still some accidents) and the horrible skin issue on her back is showing signs of getting better. Will need to get her back soon for more testing to see if we need to change the dosage any more.
I think the first step is to confirm Cushings and then if it's pituitary or adrenal. The vet at DCVR thinks it may be adrenal from the imaging


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I think the first step is to confirm Cushings and then if it's pituitary or adrenal. The vet at DCVR thinks it may be adrenal from the imaging
Spoke to the DCVR vet again last evening. She recommends putting the Cushings test on hold for a little while in order to try other methods to get the liver/kidney numbers lower. Taking her off Enalapril and Galiprant. Increasing her dosage of Gabapentin to offset pain from going off the Galiprant. Putting her Denamarin liver supplement and a special low protein dietary food. And possibly putting her on Plavix because there is an association with urine protein and blood clots.


Raisin cane
Spoke to the DCVR vet again last evening. She recommends putting the Cushings test on hold for a little while in order to try other methods to get the liver/kidney numbers lower. Taking her off Enalapril and Galiprant. Increasing her dosage of Gabapentin to offset pain from going off the Galiprant. Putting her Denamarin liver supplement and a special low protein dietary food. And possibly putting her on Plavix because there is an association with urine protein and blood clots.
Hope you start seeing positive results very quickly!