Covid Hysteria 2023 / 2024


Well-Known Member
Went to the doctor a couple months ago, had an upper respiratory thing going, wore a mask on my own volition. Enough old people there to make Biden spry. If I have to wear one next month for lab work with no coughing.😠


Well-Known Member
Doctors. They get something in their heads and it just won't leave.
They are still recommending baby aspirin for everyone over 60.
They know masks are useless, but they will make a comeback.


PREMO Member

Don’t Toss Those Masks Out Just Yet, Los Angeles And Other Blue Areas Are Bringing Mask Mandates Back For 2024

Mask Mandates Are Now A Permanent Part Of Life

The refusal to hold public health "experts" accountable for their dramatic failures is now, as predicted, having extreme negative consequences.

New York City, on top of its disastrous school masking recommendation, is also requiring masks in healthcare settings for visitors and employees. Several areas of Illinois are as well. Obviously the Bay Area. And now LA's rejoining the ranks of areas committed to pseudoscience.

Never mind that a quick glance at the data from LA County shows that the highest period of COVID hospitalizations in the area came when there were mask mandates in place for all indoor locations and large outdoor events. Not to mention vaccine passports at most locations city and countywide.

mask mandates

For the administrators and officials who claim to be following "the science" and "the data," it's yet another indication of how duplicitous and misleading their statements actually are. They’ve managed to ignore the fact that we've already seen how ineffective masks are at reducing transmission or hospitalization. They apparently aren’t interested in the best quality evidence review which showed conclusively that masks don't work.

Their sole focus is protecting themselves, their profession, their political ideology and endlessly exercising a measure of control over public behavior, no matter how many people may be affected or hurt in the process.

Many of us have been warning of a dystopian future where masks are an indefinite, rolling feature of life in anti-science areas. Unfortunately, it again appears we were right.


PREMO Member

L.A. General's Chief Medical Officer Pours Ice Cold Water On Barbara Ferrer's New Mask Mandate

At the time of publication the link to the order itself was not working; the Department of Public Health claims that it's due to a server problem causing the link to not work on certain devices (apparently the devices of journalists are particularly hard-hit). But screenshots of it can be found here.

The Health Officer Order was originally issued in September 2023 and related to requirements for healthcare workers to have a current flu shot and COVID booster or mask during the upcoming "respiratory virus season." The December 27 revision cites the "ongoing risk" posed by COVID-19 as part of the justification and orders visitors to be masked as well.


According to Dr. Brad Spellberg, Chief Medical Officer at Los Angeles General Medical Center (formerly LA County/USC Medical Center), the county's largest hospital, poured ice-cold water on Barbara Ferrer, Ph.D.'s hysteria.

In his "Soothing Thoughts" segment during LA General's weekly update, Spellberg made these very important points:

  • LA General is not seeing COVID pneumonia ICU admissions or intubations
  • LA General no longer performs COVID tests on admission
  • Other hospitals in the county continue to COVID test on admission, leading to artificially inflated COVID hospitalization rates
  • COVID is not going to go away; it is now an endemic virus and "does not distinguish itself from other upper respiratory viruses"
  • There is community COVID spread because COVID is a winter virus
  • COVID levels at LA General are "considerably" below 2022 and with much milder disease



PREMO Member
💉 It’s another SADS cluster! Australia’s News.Com ran a story yesterday headlined, “‘In shock’: Two British Airways flight attendants die suddenly.” Think about it: Same airline. Same age. Same week. Same job → Two sudden and unexpected deaths of healthy flight attendants. Does that really “happen all the time?”

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In the first incident, as travelers and vacationers were settling into their seats, a crew member suddenly collapsed in the rear galley of British Airways Flight 32 — just as the doors were locked and the pilot was preparing to head to the runway. Hearing about the collapse, the captain immediately called for medical assistance, and a quick-acting passenger with first aid training rushed to help.

Tragically, despite the immediate CPR, instantaneous first-aid, and the prompt arrival of police and ambulance services, the previously-healthy steward died anyway. The passengers, understandably shaken by the event, were informed that their New Year’s Eve flight was canceled due to the grave medical emergency that had unfolded before their eyes.

In other words, nobody wanted to go anywhere after watching a healthy flight attendant pushing the beverage cart drop dead right in front of them.

In the second incident, another unidentified flight attendant — also 52 — died a few days earlier on Christmas Eve in Newark, at his hotel. They found him stone dead after he failed to report for duty. The flight to London Heathrow was canceled, passengers were re-booked onto other flights, and the devastated flight crew were flown home as passengers.

Also understandably, the news has the entire British Airways team deeply unsettled. According to News.Com:

A source said: “Crew are frantic. These were two healthy people who suddenly dropped dead. There were no reported underlying health issues. The crew were family men, and leave devastated families in shock and disbelief. It has been a traumatic festive period for BA’s flying team. Everyone is deeply upset.”

It’s not just that two flight attendants died in the same week. That would be unusual but not impossible. It’s that two healthy flight attendants of the same age died suddenly with no prior medical issues in the same week on the same airline. The odds of this clustering of cases beggar the imagination and call for an immediate investigation of a cause.

But don’t hold your breath!



PREMO Member
💉 In more terrific — albeit slow-moving — news, Fox ran a blockbusting story yesterday headlined, “Florida Surgeon General calls for halt to COVID-19 vaccine usage after FDA said he spread misinformation.”

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The short version was that Corporate Media got badly triggered yesterday when Florida’s Surgeon General called for a halt to the mRNA jabs after the FDA failed to meaningfully respond to his letters seeking clarification of DNA contamination and what the FDA has done to ensure that the jabs’ stray DNA cannot possibly integrate into human cells.

Although it won’t say so directly, the FDA’s answer seems to be: they did nothing. So Dr. Ladapo poked the Establishment right in the eye by issuing a formal guidance calling for ‘a halt in the use of covid-19 mRNA vaccines.’ This created a firestorm of unhinged criticism, but succeeded in breaking corporate media’s omertà on Dr. Ladapo’s questions. Every headline tried to debunk the Surgeon General. An example from the Hill:

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Poppycock. The theory is not ‘discredited.’ It isn’t even a theory. It’s a scientific question: can the boatloads of contaminated DNA in the mRNA shots get into cell nuclei or not? It’s not Ladapo’s job to prove whether that can happen. That’s the FDA’s job.

You had one job, FDA.

In an interview with Steve Bannon yesterday, Dr. Ladapo explained the contamination problem in lay terms and made this remarkable statement:

“The evidence has been completely provided by the FDA … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products … it’s a complete disrespect to the human genome and the importance of protecting it … and that is our connection to God.”
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CLIP: Steve Bannon interviews Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo over DNA contamination (8:28).

Ladapo knows exactly what he’s doing. Both his guidance and his letter began by citing the FDA’s own documents from 2007, which clearly advised that DNA contamination can cause cells to be genetically modified. Full stop. The FDA said it, not Ladapo. Dr. Ladapo just asked the FDA to clarify whether it was lying in 2007 or whether it is lying now?

Some folks see this as “too little, too late,” because most of the jabs have already entered arms, and jab uptake is now dwindling to embarrassingly-low levels. But that’s not the point. In order to get to the next stage, to prove harms and to start talking specifically about accountability, we must first cross a conceptual Rubicon: the vaccines are — or may be — defective.

At this moment, even though nearly everyone else but Pfizer executives and its bowtied shills have long left the station, the formal Establishment position remains that the vaccines are the safest and most effective vaccines in history. To reach Accountability Station, the Establishment’s position must change, even a little. Just one little crack in the wall would do it.

So the news is: Florida has become the first state to official designate the mRNA shots as potentially defective and therefore unsafe. In other words, the burden of proof has finally shifted — at least, in Florida. Dr. Ladapo is saying that it’s not our job to prove the shots were dangerous. It’s the Establishment’s job to prove its approved medications were safe.

In other words, given the contamination, there is no evidence the shots are safe.

The troops are massed all along the river. All that remains is an order from some modern Julius Caesar to start the crossing.



PREMO Member
💉 Malaysian Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali is a renowned Malaysian expert in endocrine disruptors research, clinical pharmacology, and environmental toxicology, and was a former WHO Expert Panel Advisor. He’s published over 40 books and 100 international papers. In a clip from a Malaysian interview (subtitled), Dr. Ali described hearing about vaccine regret from patients, the baffling outbreak of atypical sudden deaths, increasing cancer rates, and the growing cohort of ‘quiet disability’ resulting from vaccine injuries:

“These people often feel tired after the vaccine. For example, after they get the vaccine, they can’t lift their hand. These are not recorded most of the time. The second thing is people who have side effects they have not reported yet. Maybe ten years later, then only the thing is expressed.”

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CLIP: Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali, former WHO Expert Panel Advisor, Raises Alarm Over Increasing Cancer (8:36).

It sure appears as though there is a growing consensus in the foreign medical/scientific community that the jabs are, well, problematic. Domestically, it remains a career-ender to question the magic shots. But there must be a tipping point in there somewhere. To mix metaphors, tick, tock.



Well-Known Member
St. Mary's County Emergency medical personnel have been ordered to mask up.
\And to place masks on patients even if they are placed on O/2


PREMO Member
🔥 Finally, the UK Daily Mail shattered the vaccine shield Wednesday with this astounding headline, which was so fascinating I’m giving you the screen shot:

How about that? The headline’s a two-fer, mentioning both vaccine injury and censorship. If they’re not careful, this kind of thing might give people the impression that vaccine injuries are more common than they’re letting on and even make some folks hesitant.

The second week of January is turning out to be just as interesting as was the first week.



PREMO Member
💉 Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like the baffled headlines are picking up steam lately, all avoiding the obvious point in a thousand different tricksy ways. From the Guardian, Thursday, about the latest alarming — but baffling — worldwide trend:

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Needless to say, the Guardian’s “Explainer” explained nothing. It quoted experts gassing about obesity rates and equitable access to healthcare. At least they didn’t try climate change this time. But the headline that garnered the most attention this week was this remarkable debut from the Wall Street Journal:

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The confused doctors are not just baffled. They’re baffled and alarmed. But back in 2020, the public health community instantly and confidently knew everything there was to know about a novel, lab-designed coronavirus and most importantly, exactly how to avoid it. But now? Now experts are baffled and alarmed about how to avoid cancer, which has been studied for ages.

You know what I say? Their bafflement is baffling.

Ironically, the article’s sub-headline plaintively asked “how to identify those at high risk?” Well. I have a suggestion, but they don’t want to hear it.

Reading the WSJ’s impenetrable article is a perplexing exercise in frustration, since the author seems to have fallen into a mysterious time warp; the article studiously shirked mentioning any cancer statistics dated later than 2019. It was like the last four years never happened. Whoosh! Just another example of the Mandela Effect, I suppose.

Clearly, the Journal editors want us to know one thing: cancer in young people was shooting up even before the mRNA jabs. So there.

Maybe … and so another way to look at the pre-2020 data is youthful cancer rates have been increasing right along with the ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule. I’m just saying.

I’m won’t bother dissecting the exasperating article. It was just some kind of psyop anyway. The Journal’s article deliberately missed the point, which is what concerns modern, post-2020 observers: the dramatic increase in atypical cancers, especially (but not only) in a cluster of types. What do I mean by atypical? This is what I mean:

  • Cancers presenting for the first time at Stage 4, or already metastasized, that do not usually first appear at Stage 4.
  • Cancers highly or totally resistant to established treatments.
  • Cancers presenting in uncommon demographics, like lung cancers appearing in twenty-two year-old nonsmokers.
  • Cancers progressing to death much faster than established survival rates (so-called “turbo” cancers).
  • Multiple unrelated cancers appearing in the same patient at the same time.
  • Clusters of cancer, like where a young married couple both diagnose with Stage 4 cancers — different types — around the same time.
I can back up each of those categories with eye-popping current scholarship, like this new study published in Nature’s Oncology journal just this week:

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Needless to say, since it was mired in pre-pandemic history worse than a Leopard tank stuck in Ukrainian mud, the Journal’s bewildered article also failed to mention any atypical cancer phenomena. It couldn’t — because they were not common before 2021.

Jab defenders pop up from time to time in the comments pretending to be confused by what I mean by atypical. “Atypical is not a medical term,” they’ll sonorously blather. Then they’ll add, “all cancer is atypical.”

No. They know exactly what I mean by atypical. Don’t let them gaslight you. Even Bard A.I. knows:

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Remember: the problem is not just the general spike in young cancers, which is a problem, but it’s not the most suggestive piece of the puzzle. The bigger problem is the recent spike in atypical cancers. The younger demographic is only one type of the emerging atypical cancer presentations.

  • Wow
Reactions: TPD


PREMO Member
💉 The Epoch Times ran a revealing story yesterday headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Veterans Affairs Found Safety Signal for Pfizer COVID Vaccine, Never Disclosed It.” It was even more embarrassing for the government than the headline suggested.

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Fauci deservedly gets all the hate, but slippery CDC official Tom Shimabukuro is just as culpable and maybe even more directly responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths and injuries from the vaccines. He should be just as well known as Fauci. While Fauci was appearing as the official face of the pandemic on every rapper’s podcast to push the jabs, Shimabukuro was the one behind the scenes holding the pillow smothering legitimate scientists and ensuring nothing made the jabs look bad.

Through public records requests, Epoch got hold of an email from the Veteran’s Administration showing the CDC was told about the myocarditis signal on May 13, 2021 — right after the jab campaign started — and even though the agency would deny the obvious connection between the vaccines and heart problems until nearly a year later in 2022, long after most young people had already been vaccinated.

Here’s the May 2021 email from a VA doctor to the CDC official in charge of the covid vaccines, Dr. Shimabukuro:

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“We have a signal for myocarditis/pericarditis…with Pfizer vaccine following the 1st dose,” VA doctor Fran Cunningham wrote to Dr. Shimabukuro on May 13, 2021. Dr. Cunningham, who is probably worried about keeping her job, did not answer Epoch’s calls or emails. When asked about the agency’s lack of response to Cunningham’s email, a CDC spokesman told Epoch flatly that the VA later determined the signal “was not a true signal.”

Really. But how? How did they determine it was “not a true signal?” I mean, however you slice it, it was a true signal, as the CDC would finally admit over a year later. Is the CDC saying the VA’s particular signal was wrong, even though in a bigger picture way it was right? Was it more likely the VA determined it was “not a true signal” because they were told it was not a true signal and to shut up fast?

In May 2021, there were plenty of other signals of jab problems besides the VA email, such as everything flooding into VAERS. And the person at the CDC who made sure nobody found out about the problems was Dr. Tom Shimabukuro.



PREMO Member
🔥 As I reported last week, Governor DeSantis’s Covid Grand Jury issued its first interim report. At the time, I said everyone should read it, but of course that isn’t possible or likely, so I’ll continue to highlight the most important and meaningful parts. Without argument, the most important disclosure in the report was its explanation of how the vaccine lie was perpetrated by the government — aided and abetted by a willing, sold-out media.

Of course you remember the phrase “safe and effective.” How could you forget? That phrase fueled every single vaccine mandate. Well … it was always a lie, even before they found out the shots didn’t work, right from the start, and the Grand Jury Report explained exactly how they did it.

This is critically-important: the federal agencies like the CDC and the FDA played a rhetorical shell game on America. And the corporate media helped them hide the definitional pea. First of all, when government officials called the vaccines “safe,” they were using a legal term of art.

In other words, when they said safe, they deceptively relied on a highly-subjective legal definition that doesn’t actually mean “safe” — but never said so.

Here’s how the Grand Jury Report explained it:


In other words, the vaccines were never considered “safe” in general. When Fauci said the jabs were safe, he meant they were “safe” compared to the relative risk posed by the virus (“relative freedom from harmful effect” and “the condition of the recipient”). All the CDC and FDA had to do was decide the virus was more deadly than the bubonic plague — which they did — and then virtually anything could be considered safe, no matter how risky it really was.

Even worse than helping the agencies mislead people with a legalistic definition of an everyday dictionary word, the media never even asked the agencies to explain the risk/reward matrix. So they got away with using a totally-subjective standard that wasn’t tied to anything — certainly not to anything scientific.

The media could have explained all this to us at the time, but they didn’t. They are pathetically useless and I hope every reporter who helped promote this lie gets fired.

So they can spend time in honest self-reflection, of course.

The term “effective” is nearly as bad. When the government said the vaccines were “effective,” they used a weasel definition for that word too. Legally speaking, the term “effectiveness” can be based on a regulatory determination arising from clinical trials, as you would expect, or from “other data.”

‘Other data’ is undefined.

There weren’t any clinical trials proving effictiveness — Pfizer never even tested for that. The regulators relied on “other data” to conclude the shots were effective. The media never asked the agencies to explain what their “other data” was that caused them to determine the vaccines were so “effective.” From the report, citing federal statute:

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It was all wordplay, right from day one. They tricked us by secretly using a different definition for common dictionary words, a stealthy different definition than what we thought they meant. They will blame us for not knowing the legal meanings of those words and stupidly assuming they were using lay definitions. But they are experts, you see, so how can you expect them to speak plainly?

They got away with it last time. But now we know. They won’t get away with it any more. The term “safe and effective” has become a hissing and a byword.

Yeah ofc the Gov was playing Word Games with the word safe or that is the way the situation will be spun to keep people out of jail


Well-Known Member
🔥 As I reported last week, Governor DeSantis’s Covid Grand Jury issued its first interim report. At the time, I said everyone should read it, but of course that isn’t possible or likely, so I’ll continue to highlight the most important and meaningful parts. Without argument, the most important disclosure in the report was its explanation of how the vaccine lie was perpetrated by the government — aided and abetted by a willing, sold-out media.

Of course you remember the phrase “safe and effective.” How could you forget? That phrase fueled every single vaccine mandate. Well … it was always a lie, even before they found out the shots didn’t work, right from the start, and the Grand Jury Report explained exactly how they did it.

This is critically-important: the federal agencies like the CDC and the FDA played a rhetorical shell game on America. And the corporate media helped them hide the definitional pea. First of all, when government officials called the vaccines “safe,” they were using a legal term of art.

In other words, when they said safe, they deceptively relied on a highly-subjective legal definition that doesn’t actually mean “safe” — but never said so.

Here’s how the Grand Jury Report explained it:

In other words, the vaccines were never considered “safe” in general. When Fauci said the jabs were safe, he meant they were “safe” compared to the relative risk posed by the virus (“relative freedom from harmful effect” and “the condition of the recipient”). All the CDC and FDA had to do was decide the virus was more deadly than the bubonic plague — which they did — and then virtually anything could be considered safe, no matter how risky it really was.

Even worse than helping the agencies mislead people with a legalistic definition of an everyday dictionary word, the media never even asked the agencies to explain the risk/reward matrix. So they got away with using a totally-subjective standard that wasn’t tied to anything — certainly not to anything scientific.

The media could have explained all this to us at the time, but they didn’t. They are pathetically useless and I hope every reporter who helped promote this lie gets fired.

So they can spend time in honest self-reflection, of course.

The term “effective” is nearly as bad. When the government said the vaccines were “effective,” they used a weasel definition for that word too. Legally speaking, the term “effectiveness” can be based on a regulatory determination arising from clinical trials, as you would expect, or from “other data.”

‘Other data’ is undefined.

There weren’t any clinical trials proving effictiveness — Pfizer never even tested for that. The regulators relied on “other data” to conclude the shots were effective. The media never asked the agencies to explain what their “other data” was that caused them to determine the vaccines were so “effective.” From the report, citing federal statute:

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It was all wordplay, right from day one. They tricked us by secretly using a different definition for common dictionary words, a stealthy different definition than what we thought they meant. They will blame us for not knowing the legal meanings of those words and stupidly assuming they were using lay definitions. But they are experts, you see, so how can you expect them to speak plainly?

They got away with it last time. But now we know. They won’t get away with it any more. The term “safe and effective” has become a hissing and a byword.

Yeah ofc the Gov was playing Word Games with the word safe or that is the way the situation will be spun to keep people out of jail
Anyone that thought that they could develop a safe and effective vaccine in less than a year .
A. Were gullible as hell.
B. Would believe anything told to them by Fauci and the CDC.
C. Were scared to death.
D. Afraid to lose their meal ticket.


..if momma ain't happy...
Isn't it time to start a new thread, Covid 2024?

Because obviously this is NOT going away.


PREMO Member
Lets kick it off with a New Flair!

COVID IS RACIST!!! :yikes: :jameo: :faint:

Approximately 97.9 out of every 100,000 African Americans have died from COVID-19, a mortality rate that is a third higher than that for Latinos (64.7 per 100,000), and more than double than that for whites (46.6 per 100,000) and Asians (40.4 per 100,000).

White Supremacist Germs! :jameo: :tantrum :yikes: :jameo: Viral Privilege!


PREMO Member
😷 The New York Times ran a time-warping story yesterday headlined, “C.D.C. Considers Ending 5-Day Isolation Period for Covid.” The sub-headline added, “Americans may be advised that it’s safe to return to regular routines after one day without a fever.”


You probably didn’t even know quarantines were still a thing. That’s because you aren’t a New York Times reporter who gets a week of paid vacation every time they can get that little line to show up in the right place on a PCR test. You’ve wondered who’s buying all those covid tests?

Employees of big corporations that “follow” the CDC are buying rapid tests in bulk lots. Each one is a little plastic ticket, a ticket to a week off work. As long as the CDC keeps that policy.

The article is about as silly as you probably imagine; the reporter, Apoorva Mandavilli, is clearly one of the same slackers who stands to lose weeks of free vacation time and will have to start working on a normal schedule. Even when she doesn’t feel good. Unfortunately, Apoorva’s not a very good journalist, and she might not survive the next round of cuts anyway.

Her story wasn’t worth reading except as an example of how to spot fake news. And it was great for that purpose.

Sadly, an editor could have prevented this embarrassing and emotionally manipulative journalistic failure. Here’s what fake news looks like: an article citing a bunch of “experts” responding to a little bit of “news.” That describes this article. It had about 150 words describing a proposal — not even a policy change — to drop the 5-days-of-quarantine recommendation. That was it for “news.” Then the rest of the article was a bunch of “experts responding” with their opinions.

A non-fake news article would cite experts on both sides. But in fake news world, all the experts always agree with each other, and the reporter can make sweeping generalizations about experts’ opinions. Let’s see how it works. Here are all the experts quoted in Apoorva’s article, with comments she got by phone or text or DM or whatever, probably while working from home on a covid break:

  • “Several experts” said “the agency is squandering an opportunity to foster better public health policies.”
  • Dr. Syra Madad said “I think this [CDC revised policy] sets really an unfortunate precedent.”
  • “Some researchers” said they “worried that Americans would interpret the new advice to mean that Covid was no longer a threat.”
  • Dr. Boghuma Titanji said “There’s still a lot of people getting Covid and dying from Covid in the U.S.; and even people who have only a mild illness may go on to develop long Covid, for which there is no treatment.”
  • Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo said “At the very least, the C.D.C. should advise that people who end isolation after one fever-free day also wear N95 masks when leaving their homes.”
  • Dr. Jay Varma said “Over time, sick people wearing masks could become the norm, like wearing condoms or helmets.”

Well, Apoorva’s handpicked experts pretty much summarized every opinion on the Zero Covid subreddit. What do you want to bet she’s a regular there?

Apoorva is really the one who disagreed with the CDC. Somehow — in 2024! — she still wants to keep the five-day quarantine rule, whether it’s to collect unearned benefits like a week off each time she has a sniffle, or because she’s a hypochondriacal germaphobe. Either way.

This is an opinion piece masquerading as news by using cherry-picked “experts” to speak for the reporter. In other words, its fake news. See how easy it is to tell?



PREMO Member
💉 Remarkably, a large covid vaccine safety study dropped last week finding some problems with the jabs, and got my immediate attention by breaking through into corporate media. Why cover this one? The study, stuffed with 35 authors, was titled, “COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals.” The Hill’s article covering the study published two days ago under the headline, “Largest multicountry COVID study links vaccines to potential adverse effects.”

Linking vaccines to potential adverse effects used to get people canceled. So what on Earth is going on?

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Our first clue lies in the Hill article’s revealing final paragraph (which should have been the first):

Several of the researchers also reported having relationships or having previously received payments from biopharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, AbbVie, and GlaxoSmithKline.​

Pharma researchers! It got even more interesting when the study itself disclosed it was funded by the CDC, the New Zealand Ministry of Health, and the Canadian Institutes of Health. It was a “public/private” joint effort between big pharma and the most jab-invested big government agencies in the world. But it still found problems. Could this be honest science, at long last? Or was it something else?

It was high-level gaslighting combined with a limited hangout.

First of all, a point missed by most corporate media, probably intentionally, was the researchers cherry-picked only thirteen categories of adverse events, allowing lying corporate media outlets to mislead readers by generically claiming “the researchers looked for adverse events” as if they looked for any and all safety signals. They didn’t. They only looked for their carefully-curated list of injury types. Next, the researchers muted their findings with hand-waving about covid causing the same adverse events equally or more often than the jabs, so the risk/benefit analysis still favors the shots. (It doesn’t.)

The researchers admitted finding much higher risks of neurological, cardiovascular, and blood disorder complications than they expected. True, they found serious adverse events to be ‘rare’ and — hallelujah for profits — they found them mostly occurring in the already-withdrawn vaccine types like J&J and AstraZeneca and, fortunately, not so much in the fat cash cows, Pfizer and Moderna (whew).

But despite all that, in spite of all the hand-waving about risks and benefits, and despite minimizing the injuries as ‘rare’, the study ultimately disclosed broad increases in jabbed risk between +20% to +70% across 40 or more causes of death. The risks and benefits comparing covid infection versus the shots might have evened out when comparing two 85-year-olds with diabetes and hypertension. But there is no rational risk comparison for healthy or working-age people, who were never at any enhanced risk of serious complications from covid, and as for the young, they should have been nowhere near the shots.

In other words, for healthy, working-age, and young people, the shots are all risk and no benefit.

Given the study’s “reassuring but informing” narrative framing and the wide coverage by corporate media, this looks like a limited hangout. They are — just barely — admitting to a wide variety of disabling, not-mild, permanent side effects, far beyond simple allergic reactions, injection site pain, and temporary flu-like symptoms.

It’s kind of like when finding two chocolate chips between your eight-year-old’s bedsheets, and under intense questioning the child blurts out that, okay, he did break the rules — only a little! — and stole a teeny-tiny part off an already-broken cookie when nobody was looking, but he definitely wasn’t the one who cleaned out the jar. No way.

It’s just a teeny-tiny enhanced risk of death or permanent disability, but not the whole excess deaths jar. That wasn’t us.

In other words, the injuries are getting impossible to deny, and they quickly needed to gaslight everybody. So they bought themselves a nice little study, to put some stuffing in their argument that their jab program maybe wasn’t perfect, but it also wasn’t a catastrophic disaster either. So.



PREMO Member
💉 You’ll enjoy the latest mea culpa from a formerly pro-vaccine healthcare professional-slash-social media influencer. Annette Bosworth, MD, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has a popular YouTube channel (600,000 subscribers) and website focusing on the health benefits of keto dieting and intermittent fasting. It seems like a great channel and I subscribed. Dr. Boz normally covers wellness topics like shopping for a good blood glucose monitor, breaking carb addiction, comparing exercise to intermittent fasting, and things like that.

So it must have shocked many of her subscribers when three days ago she named her most recent YouTube streamer, “The biggest crime in the history of medicine.”


YOUTUBE: The biggest crime in the history of medicine (54:56).

That’s quite a title for a pro-vaccine doctor. And it quickly became Dr. Boz’s highest-watched YouTube ever. But within 12 hours, YouTube de-monetized the show, which was a new experience for the influential advocate. Two days ago, she published a short follow-up video trying to figure out what YouTube terms she violated. She was astounded that discussing a peer-reviewed paper could get her punished at this stage of the pandemic.

But let’s focus on her original video. It began with a bang:

“I am really excited about tonight’s show. (Wryly) I have been putting this off. I have been wrong. And I have seen lots of you out there and I have personal friends out there that have been telling me I was wrong, and I would much rather avoid this conversation and not do this at all, but … you were right.

Dr. Boz explained that it was the relentless pressure of subscriber’s jab comments — comments she pretended to ignore but actually noticed — that kept her attention secretly on the science related to the vaccines.

Then she introduced Dr. McCullough’s (and five other authors including Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch) latest 40-page, peer-reviewed article that published in the Cureus open-access journal on January 24th. The study was neutrally-titled, “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign.” Here’s how she described the study:

“This is a peer-reviewed article. If you’re like me, you’re not going to want to believe it. I don’t WANT to believe this. I’m so irritated by this article. This is a difficult thing for me to talk about. The dozen peers who reviewed this paper took two and a half months to cross-check and verify everything they said. I’m just going to point out a few things that made me sleepless. During the pandemic, we broke some of the rules to serve the public. One of the rules was this emergency use act.”

For regular C&C readers, there isn’t anything particularly surprising in the McCullough paper, which methodically and professionally walked through all the issues we currently know about, starting with the statistical tricks that Pfizer and Moderna employed in their early clinical trials to exaggerate the benefits and whitewash the risks, and then tackled thornier issues such as why the jabs are actually genetic therapies and are not actually vaccines. It was the carefully-documented way the authors addressed these problems that finally penetrated Dr. Boz’s cognitive defenses:

“I knew (the vaccine) came with some risks, but until this paper, I didn’t really appreciate it. The (biggest) problem with the vaccines is, there was no off-switch. This is a problem … when you trust the scientific process is being (properly) used, when there needs to be an exception to the rules (like EUA), you don’t just break every single rule there is… If you’re like me, when you get to the end of this article, you ask yourself: what did we say ‘yes’ to?”

Ultimately, the unyielding weight of McCullough’s data and logical analysis pressed Dr. Boz to self-reflect. She started by explaining how Pfizer and Moderna were able to conclude efficacy and safety only because they’d restricted it to healthy trial participants aged 18-55. Later she combined all these issues — the lack of a spike shut-off, the obviously faked trials, and Dr. McCullough’s carefully-documented findings of spike protein in the heart muscles of autopsied sudden-death patients — Dr. Boz took all of that and clearly experienced a painful change of heart:

“Until you start looking at the autopsies and start wondering: what part in this did I play? And… first of all, how do ya say, I’m sorry to all of ya’ll who’ve been putting comments in my videos for like, a year, (saying), ‘hey take a look at this!’ And I just said (to myself), okay, they’re just chirpin’ again. But you were right.

And worse, the loss of trust! I was in a class (last year), and everybody was like, I don’t think we should take ANY shots anymore, and I was SHOCKED. Even for flu or shingles. They asked, but can we trust these OTHER vaccinations? And I said, of COURSE you can.

But now, it’s hard for me to say that. How long will it take before the World will trust – before I will trust — what they’re telling me. And … what was MY part in it? How could’ve I been more …. I mean, I had MY kids vaccinated. I had all of the people I loved vaccinated. And when you look back and say hey, look at what it did — especially to the kids … um … anyway (trails off).

When it comes down to it, I was wrong. I don’t know that it gets worse than telling all my patients, get the vaccination, get the vaccination, get the vaccination. (Sighs) Okay, let’s move on to something easier to talk about than my continued failures…”

There’s plenty more in the video. To keep it a manageable length, I omitted several other interesting parts, like where Dr. Boz explained how trusted gatekeepers like herself were manipulated into towing the party line and not asking questions. As I said, you’ll enjoy hearing the thought process of a proud pro-vaccine doctor being convinced to humble herself and make a public apology.

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What we don’t see though are all the doctors and health professionals who aren’t social media influencers like Dr. Boz, but who also have been convinced by Dr. McCullough’s careful, thoughtful, peer-reviewed article. Dr. McCullough is another one we should be grateful for. I’m not minimizing the contributions of the other authors, but Dr. McCullough was the most-published cardiologist in history. He knows a lot about how to get papers peer-reviewed and published, even regarding controversial topics.

Now … what’s that smell? Is somebody barbecuing? It smells like they’re roasting a Fani Willis somewhere.
