Biden's Proxy War


PREMO Member
🚀 Let the Proxy War blame-shifting begin: It’s NATO’s fault! From this week’s Newsweek:

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The article begins by recycling the new narrative, which is that the much-hyped Glorious Spring CounterOffensive™ never really had a chance anyway. But Newsweek added a new twist — it’s not Ukraine’s fault, it was NATO:

While there are numerous reasons for this relative lack of success, including the strength of Russian defenses, some experts are pointing towards a less obvious influence: NATO. The alliance pushed an arbitrary deadline for the counterattack, they say, and then failed to fully prepare Ukrainian forces to carry it out.
Reading that paragraph, you could be forgiving for thinking it was NATO’s war, and Ukraine is just providing a few troops to help out. After all, why would NATO set war deadlines instead of Ukrainian generals? And why should NATO prepare Ukrainian forces to “carry out” the Ukrainian counterattack? I mean, if it’s Ukraine’s battle plan, shouldn’t Ukraine prepare its own troops?

Don’t bother answering that. Newsweek must pretend that Ukraine is running the war, which makes its war reporting incomprehensible.

Newsweek reported that in the first two weeks of Ukraine's counteroffensive, up to one fifth of its battlefield equipment was damaged or destroyed. But western officials are carefully dancing around directly criticizing the war, preferring oblique euphemisms to accuracy. One American official told CNN on June 23rd that the offensive was "not meeting expectations" on any of the three fronts.

“Not meeting expectations” is what you tell the new employee who isn’t working fast enough. The term seems a little mild to describe dead and dying Ukrainians making useless charges against entrenched, battle-hardened Russians.

That’s where blaming NATO shifts into gear. "The timing of the summer action was driven by arbitrary NATO timelines, not Ukrainian," military analyst Allan Orr told Newsweek. Orr bitterly complained about everything: that NATO hasn’t given Ukraine enough weaponry, and the paltry weaponry it has given Ukraine isn’t advanced enough.

You just can’t please some warmongers.

This type of thinking suffers from at least two unstated, incorrect assumptions: first, that NATO has some kind of duty to provide weapons for Ukraine’s war. Ukraine isn’t a NATO member. Second is the faulty assumption Ukraine can’t say “no” to weapons that are too old, underpowered, or ineffective. NATO doesn’t have to give weapons, and Ukraine doesn’t have to take the weapons if it doesn’t like them.

Another war analyst quoted for the story got closer to the truth when he admitted to Newsweek that, "I think we pushed too much on the technological side of strategy hoping that just by giving Ukraine advanced Western weaponry, that would be sufficient for them to overcome Russian forces which have lesser equipment.”

That’s probably right. U.S. generals (and their corporate media lapdogs) are head over heels in love with technology. Our entire war strategy is built on having better, more advanced weapons and defenses than our enemies. Call it the “new and improved” battle strategy. But that strategy has never been successfully proven. Apart from deposing Saddam Hussein, we haven’t clearly won much lately. Just look at Afghanistan.

So … what happens if the core, untested assumption is wrong that the higher-tech army automatically wins any conflict? Then what?



PREMO Member

Scandalous Senate 'Deal' Allows 1.5 Million Illegals Per Year, Slides Up To $2.3B To NGOs Trafficking Them, And Gives $60B To Ukraine

While the House has gone full 'Israel or Bust', the Senate has come up with a $118 billion bipartisan agreement which would allow 1.5 million illegals to enter the US every year, allocates $2.3 billion towards NGOs and other organizations which traffic them, gives $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, and a whopping $60 billion in support to Ukraine.

The bill also locks in green card giveaways until 2030.

The agreement was reached by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), whose own state legislature censured him last week for striking such a crappy border deal, along with Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ).

Let's pause to revisit the fact that President Biden could close the border with the stroke of a pen, right now, but refuses to do so until Ukraine and Israel money materializes. He really likes quid-pro-quo arrangements, you see.

As noted above, the bill also carves out $2.33 billion for "Refugee and Entrant Assistance," which provides that "Amounts made available under this heading in this Act may be used for grants or contracts with qualified organizations, including nonprofit entities, to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services."


Well-Known Member

Scandalous Senate 'Deal' Allows 1.5 Million Illegals Per Year, Slides Up To $2.3B To NGOs Trafficking Them, And Gives $60B To Ukraine

While the House has gone full 'Israel or Bust', the Senate has come up with a $118 billion bipartisan agreement which would allow 1.5 million illegals to enter the US every year, allocates $2.3 billion towards NGOs and other organizations which traffic them, gives $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, and a whopping $60 billion in support to Ukraine.

The bill also locks in green card giveaways until 2030.

The agreement was reached by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), whose own state legislature censured him last week for striking such a crappy border deal, along with Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ).

Let's pause to revisit the fact that President Biden could close the border with the stroke of a pen, right now, but refuses to do so until Ukraine and Israel money materializes. He really likes quid-pro-quo arrangements, you see.

As noted above, the bill also carves out $2.33 billion for "Refugee and Entrant Assistance," which provides that "Amounts made available under this heading in this Act may be used for grants or contracts with qualified organizations, including nonprofit entities, to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services."

That $2.33 billion will go towards funds for people to survive until the sanctuary cities take care of them.


PREMO Member
Someone said recently we should be deporting These Migrants to Poland and bussing them into Ukraine to fight ....

I'll add ... if they can survive a 36 month contract come on back, if we catch you in the US Again, you disappear


PREMO Member
🔥 Speaking of things heating up, the BBC ran an article yesterday that surprised no one except the entire Biden Administration. It bore the unfortunate headline, “Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies, says IMF.” The sub-headline added, “An influential global body has forecast Russia's economy will grow faster this year than all of the world's advanced economies, including the US.”

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The headline should have read, “Joe Biden loses World War III.”

That wasn’t all yesterday. Bloomberg ran a similar story, this one headlined, “Russian Crude Shipments Surge to the Highest in Almost a Year.” It is now undeniable that the Biden Administration’s highly-publicized sanctions war against Russia has catastrophically failed. The U.S.’s faltering economy was well described yesterday in a Barrons article headlined, “Inflation Could Stick Around Much Longer. What to Do About It.

A financial analyst quoted for the Barron’s story explained, “The backdrop of continued geopolitical stress is contributing to more persistent inflation and more caution.”

Who caused all this geopolitical stress? It did not exist four years ago.

As a core plank of its neocon foreign policy, Team Biden deliberately provoked Russia into invading Ukraine, and then set out to leverage the Proxy War to remove Putin, destroy Russia’s economy, and eradicate Russia as a potentially competitive superpower. Even if you somehow disbelieve NATO provoked Russia, the rest is undeniable. Without Congressional authorization, Biden undertook a Fifth Generation world war against Russia, a war via proxy, a war via economics, a war via propaganda and destabilization, and a war via thinly-disguised infrastructure sabotage, like blowing up Russia’s Nordstream pipeline.

It sort of snuck up on us, but it is evident Biden’s gamble failed. Sure, the clock is still running, the players are still going through the motions, but the crowd can see it’s over. There are six minutes left in the fourth quarter and the home team is down by three touchdowns. Might as well head for the parking lot.

From the current state of the world, it looks more and more like Biden’s disastrous defeat has been carefully scripted from Day One by the meritocratic Russian team, which outplayed our cross-dressing, diverse, inclusive neocon nitwits. Let us count the ways:

  1. Biden has lost the economic war (see above). Instead of harming Russia’s economy, sanctions have only improved it, boomeranging on the U.S., which is paying an incalculable price.
  2. Most informed commenters think the Proxy War in Ukraine is now just a matter of time before a politically-catastrophic surrender becomes necessary. Options for NATO to directly intervene in Ukraine evaporated when Iran launched its drone swarm against Israel, because the U.S. is now pinned. We can no longer commit to a major effort to save Ukraine, because we must now keep our military free for deployment to the Middle East in case a broader war breaks out. The rest of NATO must enter Ukraine without the United States. They won’t.
  3. Russia has quietly forged alliances with all the U.S.’s most mortal enemies, and has armed them with paradigm-busting, air-defense-defeating hypersonic technology. Specifically, the Russia-Iran-China-North Korea axis now shares the ability to sink U.S. aircraft carriers, which is how the United States projects force around the world. By arming Iran and North Korea, the Russians have created other problems of regional instability for which the U.S. must now plan and must feebly attempt to contain, further distracting from our faltering Proxy War in Ukraine.
  4. Russia’s lead in hypersonic weapons technology removes the option of nuclear war from the table, even if Biden’s deranged neocons ever thought it was an option.
  5. Intellectual, anticommunist, and conservative commenter James Lindsay persuasively argues that DEI, which like sewer water has now seeped into every nook and crevice of our public and private institutions, is actually a long-term socio-political military strategy by our enemies, principally China, to destabilize the United States. DEI is rendering impotent our military, our government, our universities, and even our strategically-critical corporations staffed by graduates of those undermined universities (think Boeing). If James is right, and I think he is, China’s destruction-by-DEI plan is working perfectly.
  6. The world is noticing. Yesterday, BRICS announced this on its website: “Russian Federation Council: 40 countries want to join BRICS.” Russia’s fast-growing BRICS alliance has inflicted a potentially mortal blow to American hegemony. Economists will correctly argue the dollar cannot be easily displaced. But that’s beside the point. The real threat is that Russia has given hope, a home, and a place to rally to countries long-frustrated with America’s constant post-Cold War bullying. Apparently there are a lot of frustrated countries, thanks largely to Joe Biden.

The worst thing about all this is every single one of those developments was completely predictable. Joe Biden is a human wrecking ball. His advisors are over-promoted, under-qualified DEI hires who have no idea what they are doing and are completely unprepared to compete with the Russians, who are cleaning our clock.

Biden must go. And here are seven more suggestions for what we could do to get our country safe and back on track.

  1. We must admit we’re in a hole and stop digging.
  2. We have to acknowledge we’ve lost, abandon the Ukraine project, and close our borders up tight. Send illegals back where they came from, or anywhere but here. Let France have them.
  3. Support historic allies like the British (and Israel) and also stop mucking about the rest of the world. We must focus on rebuilding our own country. Rebuild our economy. Rebuild our military.
  4. Limit the government to only a hundred classified documents a year, and require secret classifications to expire in five years.
  5. Restore merit as the lodestar of all organized effort in America, public and private, just as it used to be. Delete victim status and grievance politics.
  6. Restore patriotism, morality, honor, and family as central values in American life.
  7. Enforce it by shaming and driving out of public life (lovingly and compassionately) people who advocate for bat-guano crazy ideas like the implausible notion that men can transform into women with enough surgery and medicine.

What do you think needs to go on that list? Let me know in the comments.

Ukraine might have passed beyond saving, but America hasn’t. Not yet. We can still save our country, and with God’s grace, we will. Stay optimistic!



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Finally, Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi is an Iranian academic and political analyst. He is a professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran in Iran. Professor Marandi and I would agree on very little. But yesterday, Professor Marandi called out Piers Morgan and corporate media for official lies about the Proxy War, and I could not agree with him more:

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CLIP: Iranian academic roasts Western Media over Ukraine lies (0:45).

Here’s what Professor Marandi correctly advised Piers about the lying corporate media:

Piers, let me give you a word of advice. Your media outlets — regardless of whether Russia or Ukraine is good or bad, that is another issue — your media outlets in the West have been misleading the people for two years now, saying “Ukraine is winning, Ukraine is winning!”

Suddenly everyone is saying “Ukraine is falling apart.” Dishonest narratives and reporting dishonestly to your own people ultimately hurt the people of England, and Europe, and the United States.

And your endless wars — based upon this nonsense and this misinformation — led to huge waves of refugees. And then the people of Europe feel overwhelmed by these refugees that you brought upon yourself.

The Professor is exactly right, at least about this issue. The West is suffering from a crisis of morality. Media has traded in its historic role as honest reporter for the ethics of convenience “during an emergency” and the values of short-term quarterly profits.

Maybe it was the pandemic that started the whole fractured ball of official lying rolling, who knows. But either way, they were just getting started.

It’s hard to say whether the media has lied more about the pandemic or about the Proxy War. But the nonstop lying has been undeniable, as they essentially admit with all their hysterical hand-wringing over lost trust. But rather than introspection, their only solution is recruit the heavy mitts of politicized government to clamp down on the people calling them out, rather than humbly recalibrating their messages.

It might provide some short-term cover but in the long run it won’t work. Just ask Hans Christian Anderson, who explained the dynamic in the child’s tale of the Emperor’s New Clothes. It only takes one small child to bring down the whole disgusting display. Indeed, even the ancient wisdom of the Ten Commandments eschews false witness.

In other words, the loss of trust in media was the completely predictable result of all this official lying and narrative manipulation. They say correlation isn’t causation, but it all began after the Biden Administration occupied the federal government. So.
