Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Active Member
And your dumb assed point was what exactly, looking for something to be angry about

the thread is acceptance of queers and the Gay Mafia not streets of Maryland
You’re like a fungus gnat

You know they don’t belong, but they are so hard to get rid of

You’ve diseased this forum with your posts of a hodgepodge of negative news. I suppose the folks that run this place think it’s good for business, it’s their shop.


PREMO Member
You’re like a fungus gnat


I have been called worse by better ..... keep trying

What next ?

1. Paid to Post
2. Bot
3. Russian Bot
4. Paid to Spread Russian Propaganda

A couple of my favorites from your previous accounts

Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.

Do any of you (other than the bot, who is nothing but a propagandist pushing yellow journalism, conspiracy theories and fear mongering) have any ability to think or hold a rational thought?

You know they don’t belong, but they are so hard to get rid of


I am glad my presence annoys you ... there is thing called THE IGNORE BUTTON, click and you will NEVER see another post of mine, if you choose no to avail yourself of this feature then,

bitch you are a fan.jpg

You’ve diseased this forum with your posts of a hodgepodge of negative news.

If you are trying to be Morally Superior, Intellectual and insulting you need to TRY Harder, you really suck at this .....

I suppose the folks that run this place think it’s good for business, it’s their shop.

And yet here you are whining and complaining like a toddler who threw all of their toys or of the pram


Active Member

I have been called worse by better ..... keep trying

What next ?

1. Paid to Post
2. Bot
3. Russian Bot
4. Paid to Spread Russian Propaganda

A couple of my favorites from your previous accounts


I am glad my presence annoys you ... there is thing called THE IGNORE BUTTON, click and you will NEVER see another post of mine, if you choose no to avail yourself of this feature then,

View attachment 177000

If you are trying to be Morally Superior, Intellectual and insulting you need to TRY Harder, you really suck at this .....

And yet here you are whining and complaining like a toddler who threw all of their toys or of the pram

A few weeks ago I learned GURPS means: Generic Universal RolePlaying System

So are you an early somd.com bot? That would make a lot of sense too.

Clumsy, dumb, posting old stuff.


PREMO Member
A 15-year-old girl from Bridgeport, West Virginia, is suing the Department of Education, claiming there were a series of incidents in which a boy who competed against her and other girls in track and field events made rape threats against her.

According to the girl’s statement, she is currently a ninth-grade student at Bridgeport High School (BHS) who competes in discus, shot put, and the 4 x 100 relay. In sixth through eighth grade, she attended Bridgeport Middle School (BMS), where in seventh grade (the 2021–22 school year), she competed in the 100-meter dash, pole vault, shot put, and discus, and sometimes competed in the 200-meter dash and relay events.

“To my surprise, another BMS student named B.P.J. joined the girls’ track and field team,” she noted. “B.P.J. is almost two years younger than me, and one year behind me in school. Because I know B.P.J.’s older brother from school, I knew at the beginning of the 2021–22 school year that B.P.J. is a male who identifies as a girl.”



PREMO Member

School Enlists ‘Genderqueer’ Witch To Speak To Students About Dating, Survey Them About Their Sexuality

Tobin is a “practitioner astrologer and rune reader” with an organization called Prana House, where Tobin regularly hosts meetups for “queer witches.” After she was brought to Unionville High School to give a talk on “safe dating,” the complaints from parents began to flood in.

Parents began reaching out to the school to flag Tobin’s presentation that used materials from pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood, and that her social media accounts are filled with both witch-themed and sexually explicit material — one picture features Tobin topless, showcasing that she had her breasts removed. Tobin’s Instagram bio contains the phrases “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” “heathens against hate,” and “NO TERFS OR SWERFS OR NAZIS IN VALHALLA.”

The district downplayed the presentation and said parents had fallen for “misinformation,” according to emails shared with The Daily Wire. But parents are resurfacing the issue after one parent, Chad Williams, a local lawyer, discovered that Tobin had also administered a sex-themed survey to the students in addition to giving the presentation on dating.

According to summaries of the surveys obtained by The Daily Wire, students, most of whom were 14 years old, had been asked about their gender identity and whether they had ever been “pressured” into a sexual act or whether someone had pressured them to do something sexual.

When asked for comment on the situation, the district indicated that it no longer worked with Chester County Crime Victims Center.

“From 2016-2023, the Chester County Crime Victims Center (CVC) provided lessons on safe dating to students at Unionville High School (UHS),” the school told The Daily Wire. “All presenters from CVC completed required clearances and training to present from a script in schools. The Unionville-Chadds Ford School District’s (UCFSD) policy 235.1 governs the administration of surveys to students. UCFSD is currently investigating whether the Survey policy was followed during these presentations.”