Why does everyone hate self-checkout?


the poor dad
Leave it to government to screw things up. 1st they raise minimum wage so stores install self checkouts to save money. Unemployment goes up so government now wants to outlaw self checkouts. As stores close because of unprofitably, I’m sure government will force them to remain open. Oh wait - haven’t they already done that…



Well-Known Member
Leave it to government to screw things up. 1st they raise minimum wage so stores install self checkouts to save money. Unemployment goes up so government now wants to outlaw self checkouts. As stores close because of unprofitably, I’m sure government will force them to remain open. Oh wait - haven’t they already done that…

The bill is at the behest of unions with loads of money for politicians. Nothing new under the sun.


Active Member
I think it comes down to laziness

I, like a lot of folks, worked retail and know how a barcode scanner works, I can get through a self checkout in about half the time a regular cashier could do it.

Reading through these comments, I don’t think these people ever had jobs working with the American public or working a cash register.

You need training? Really? The machine tells you exactly what to do, if you can’t understand those instructions it should take your drivers license.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Leave it to government to screw things up. 1st they raise minimum wage so stores install self checkouts to save money. Unemployment goes up so government now wants to outlaw self checkouts. As stores close because of unprofitably, I’m sure government will force them to remain open. Oh wait - haven’t they already done that…

Well. If government were to establish once again, (per the US Constitution), a sound monetary system based on the bi-metal standard, there would be no need for minimum wage laws. Nor would there be inflation caused by the expansion of the money supply.

BTW. The sole reason for minimum wage laws in the first place, is an attempt to counter the effects of inflation caused by the expansion of the money supply, and that of corporations, and businesses, looking for the cheapest slave labor so they can profit from said slave labor by paying the lowest possible legal wage. Those in government who understand what the private unanswerable-to-Congress business known as the Federal Reserve is doing, write the laws they can, to try to alleviate the poverty said business causes.

And though Article 1, Section 3, Clause 8, clearly states: "Congress shall have the power; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, ....". I can't find anywhere where they have actually regulated the value of our US coinage vis a vis against a foreign owned bank's, (the Federal Reserve Bank), fiat currency. Hummmmm.