Millionaire hobo


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
These stories are curiously fascinating. About every 5 years or so, the same theme story appears. People who seem to be of modest means or even down right poor, die with a huge nest egg.

Residents would see Holt around town in threadbare clothes — riding his lawn mower, headed to the convenience store, parked along the main road reading a newspaper or watching cars pass.
Holt had given up driving a car. He opted for a bicycle instead and finally the mower. His mobile home in the park was mostly empty of furniture -- no TV and no computer, either. The legs of the bed went through the floor. Holt died earlier this year with a secret: He was a multimillionaire.
His will had brief instructions: $3.8 million to the town of Hinsdale to benefit the community in the areas of education, health, recreation and culture.

I think living this way is on par with the mentality of a hoarder. This guy hoarded his money & refused to spend any of it on non essentials.

But living this way is a lot better than the couple where they both make 6 figure salaries but spend every dime they earn. And make useless purchases that they pay for with a credit card.